Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Week 2 EOC: Privacy

Privacy on the net....Do I feel safe? Do I feel like i'm being intruded on? In my opinion, No i do not. Here is why. By me using the internet, im agreeing to use someone elses service, im agreeing to abide by their guidelines and im agreeing to submit the information that is required. They same agreements apply to every website you look at, every social media network you join. They all have a set of rules, set of privacy parameters that they work around. Maybe surfers should pay more attention to the small print and actually read the "agreement terms of privacy." If a network updates and changes its policy terms, you will and are assured to receive some sort of notification, usually in an email."Generally, there is no safety in unlawful activity on the internet." Its up to me to read those changes and either deny or accept them.
Privacy on the net is like a double standard. If you want to continue to view/ineract with the sites you browse daily, you are going to agree regardless, otherwise your onto a new website that has the same functions, but probably wont be as popular and will have less features. Read before you agree. "Unsolicited emails are not regulated by federal law at the present."

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